Friday, April 22, 2016

Last week, I just realized that Friday, April 15 was weather make up day so there was no school. Anyway, Today, I learned the Adjectives skill and the Plurals skill, Now I'm going to learn the questions and the negative and positive statements. The final 20% time presentation is coming up soon, so I need to start getting the materials that is required. Hopefully I'm going to be halfway through learning all the skills before the final presentation.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

I had recently learned a few more skills in German, those are Food 1 and Animals 1. I am currently in level 5 and I'm 11% fluent in German. I had been able to pronounce a few German words, I had been also going to other websites to learn other words because there is lots of German skills that I haven't learned yet and I was curious to learn one of those skills. Next Friday, I'm going to learn the plurals and the adjectives.

Friday, April 1, 2016

I'm going to learn a few more skills in German. Last week, I mastered the Intro skill and I'm officially 7% fluent in German. I know that when I usually work on a assignment, I forget some German words that I learned. So from now on, I going to use Duo lingo a bit more often so that I won't forget most of the words that I learned.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Today, I'm going to continue using Duo lingo. I know last week was spring break so I didn't went to Duo lingo because I was too busy playing video games and I didn't feel like going on Duo lingo. Right now I'm 4% fluent in German. I already learned some German skills, so now I'm learning the accusative cases and the intro.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Over the past week, I have learned a chunk amount of German. I learned some basic nouns like Junge (boy), Madchen (girl), which has two dots above the letter a called an umlaut, Wasser (water) and Brot (bread). all nouns in German are capitalized. I also learned phrases like hallo (hello), tschuss (bye), bitte (you're welcome), and guten morgen (good morning). I am hoping to learn more German this week and the week of spring break.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Hey everybody, I'm back. Today, I'm going to a website called Duo to learn German. I don't know if I am going to remember the words because the language is very complicated and it takes a lot of effort. I do know some words in German like Hello, thank you and car. I'm going to write a blog translated in German to show you guys how much I learned. I'm pretty excited for this project. I am expecting to learn as many words as I can by the end of this project.

Friday, February 26, 2016

My 20% project

Proposal: learning German

Getting to learn some words in German


Needs and Opportunities

Some problems that I have on this project is that I really don’t speak any German and that it is actually difficult to learn because it requires a lot of practice and effort.

Audience / Clients / Users

This project will benefit me in speaking other foreign languages and it will benefit my social skills and reading knowledge.


I would have some German teachers from any grade to help me on learning basic words in German. I would also ask them any materials that I need for my project.


February 26
March 4
Go to Duo
March 11
Continue using Duo lingo
March 18
Continue using Duo lingo
March 25
Continue using Duo lingo
April 1
Continue using Duo lingo
April 8
Continue using Duo lingo
April 15
Continue using Duo lingo
April 22
Continue using Duo lingo
April 29
Continue using Duo lingo
May 7 (Final 20% Friday)
Show the class German words that I learned



In the spring, I will show my class some German words that I learned.

Reality Check

I am not going to need a bunch of materials since this project is just learning a foreign language. Some things that I need are flashcards, and my laptop.


I am excited for this project because I enjoyed learning English since I came to this country, and now I want to learn a new language that I never learned before. I am also excited because I get to know myself much better than before.